Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trade Winds and Tide Pools 72" x 63"

This is the quilt that I made for my granddaughter, Charlotte, born on the 22nd of December 2008. The block is Snails Trail with light and dark half square triangles at the edge for a border. My daughter wanted a blue and green quilt (hawaii colors of land and sea), but my stash did not contain enough lights and darks in just blues and greens so I added purples and turquoises to the mix. It has approximately 80-100 separate fabrics in the quilt. The picture gives an all over blue cast to the quilt, but I think that is more the lighting than the actual quilt.
I have never seen a snail's trail in this pattern so I called it Trade Winds and Tide Pools as it depicts lots of motion.

Since making it in the crib size for Charlotte, I would like to make it full sized for our bed. I wonder if I ever will?


Grandma's Favorite, Pineapple Lifesavers 45" x 52"

This is the quilt that I made for my grandson Chase in 2004. I used the standard pineapple block with pure "lifesaver" colors set off in black. It was paper pieced in 8" blocks. I did very minimal quilting so that it wouldn't be stiff when he cuddles up with it...interlocking circles in the pineapple blocks, stitch in the ditch on the lattice and a big meander in the border. The border is from a Laurel Burch fabric with zoo animals on it. Unknown to me at the time, my daughter chose the same fabric for the baby book cover that she made for Chase. We must have been on the same wave length at some point when choosing the fabric.
