Ugly Fabric Challenge 23" x 29"

This was my first ugly fabric challenge and the first time I did paper piecing (c. 1993). The mottled green background was the ugly fabric and I don't know why I used the coral colors in the irises...probably didn't have enough purples to make the irises and it was too late to go to town to buy fabric (at that time we lived in Denali and town was 125 miles away).
I was showing the finished quilt to my husband and discovered that one of the flower lobes was in green rather than coral...the only solution was to applique the lobe over the green. I can still tell which one it was because that lobe is a little puffier since it still has the green under the appliqued piece. I had fun doing this piece and it opened a whole new world to me with paper piecing.
Labels: iris, paper piecing, ugly fabric challenge
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