Teal and Purple leftovers.
For graduation from high school I promised my daughter, Selene, a quilt to take to college in whatever colors she wanted and however she wanted it made. She wanted teal and purple but could never decide on how she wanted it made. So I took Margaret Miller’s book, Strips That Sizzle and made her quilt by the time she graduated from college. She no longer wanted a full sized quilt, so I had lots of blocks left over from her quilt. I used it to make this quilt that I gave to a benefit for an injured friend. There wasn’t quite enough for a nice sized wall hanging so I added the strips in the corners and loved the effect.

This next one was made from scraps from the graduation quilt. It was one of my color disasters. Even though the colors were different, teal and purple, the values were too similar so there is very little contrast for the log cabin design. You have to be looking closely and even squint a bit to realize that this is the barn raising version of a log cabin. I still love the quilt and it hangs from time to time in my house.
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